What is a Development Control Plan (DCP)?

    Mosman’s Development Control Plans (DCPs) provide detailed planning and design controls to supplement the provisions of Mosman Local Environmental Plan 2012 (the LEP). Three Mosman DCPs were adopted by Council on 6 March 2012 and came into force on 29 March 2012. Amendments to the DCPs have been made since their initial adoption as the need has arisen. 

    The DCPs are:
    • Mosman Residential DCP (RDCP)
    • Mosman Business Centres DCP (BCDCP)
    • Mosman Open Space and Infrastructure DCP (OSIDCP)
    The DCPs apply to proposed development for which a development application is required under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act).

    The current Mosman DCPs can be viewed on Council's website.

    Why is Council proposing to amend the DCPs?

    Mosman’s Development Control Plans (DCPs) need to be updated periodically to ensure their currency with NSW planning legislation and policy, and to correct errors, omissions or provide clarity of content as identified through the day-to-day use of the plans in development assessment. Further, Council has adopted updated heritage rankings for buildings within Mosman's heritage conservation areas. Minor amendments need to be made to the three DCPs as a result.

    When did Council resolve to publicly exhibit the proposed DCP changes?

    At the ordinary meeting of Council held on 3 April 2018, two reports were considered about proposed changes to the DCPs. These were:

    • EP/16 - DCP Housekeeping Amendments
    • EP/18 - Heritage Conservation Areas - Updates to Heritage Rankings
    At this meeting, Council resolved to publicly exhibit proposed amendments to the DCPs. The Council reports and resolutions can be viewed in the document library on this consultation webpage.

    What changes are proposed to be made to the DCPs?

    The proposed changes to the DCPs are relatively minor in nature and primarily update the DCPs to ensure their currency with NSW planning legislation and policy, and to correct errors, omissions or provide clarity of content. The heritage conservation area rankings information is also to be amended in line with Council's adoption of new rankings on 3 April 2018.

    The documents library section of this consultation webpage includes:

    • A summary table of all proposed changes to the DCPs with reasons why changes are proposed;
    • Copies of the three Mosman DCPs with proposed changes marked up in red throughout the documents
    • Reports to Council summarising why the changes are proposed to be made to the DCPs

    How will the proposed changes affect my land?

    There would be minimal change to land in Mosman as a result of the proposed changes to Mosman's DCPs, which are relatively minor in nature.

    What is the legislative process to amend a DCP?

    NSW planning legislation pertaining to Development Control Plans (DCPs) is contained within Part 3, Division 3.6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Part 3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000. The proposed changes to Mosman's DCPs are publicly exhibited for a minimum of 28 days pursuant to clause 18 of the Regulation. 

    Can I make a submission?

    Yes. You can make a submission, in writing to Council, before the close of submissions date of 17 May 2018, via -

    • email to council@mosman.nsw.gov.au
    • post to the General Manager, Mosman Council, PO Box 211, Spit Junction NSW 2088
    All submissions will be available for inspection on Council’s document management system and website under Council’s Access to Information Policy.

    What are the next steps?

    Following public exhibition, Council planning staff will consider any submissions received and prepare a report for consideration at a meeting of Council recommending that Council adopt the proposed changes to the DCPs (with or without amendment in response to submissions received). If adopted, the changes would then come into effect on a date to be determined and notified in the local newspaper, typically within 2-3 weeks of the Council meeting date.

    Where can I get more information?

    The document library within this consultation webpage includes :

    • Reports considered by Council at its meeting on 3 April 2018
    • A summary table of all proposed changes and the reasons for the changes
    • A marked up version of all three Mosman DCPs showing proposed changes
    The FAQ section of this webpage also contains information about the DCP amendment process.

    If you require any further information, please contact Kelly Lynch, Senior Strategic Planner with Mosman Council, on 9978 4058 or k.lynch@mosman.nsw.gov.au .